Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Myth of Democratic Representation

Unless one is part of a small community with members of a shared vision and commitment, and the reach of decisions extends not beyond that community, there is going to be the process of representatives to be elected to represent ‘the people’; the larger the area, the more that representation is to be for more people, done by fewer people.  The people vote locally, which the majority gets their will represented as the area’s, which is then represented in a striated manner: neighborhood, districts, zip codes, cities, counties, states, regions, then country, is one way of looking at the way ‘democracy’ works. Millions across multiple states and zip codes could lose out to millions +1 in a city; the community working the land had their ‘shared’ vision and sent a representative for them, only to have him get stopped at the county level, and he watched as others who did not share his or his electorate’s vision go to represent his ‘party’ at the state level, and then that state representative could be ignored at the national level.  
*Segment of  Democratic Socialism is Democratic Fascism; Democracy is Fascistic