Saturday, October 9, 2021

Hate facts about COVID, masks, vaccinations, lockdowns, and economies – the Bullet Points

Hate facts about COVID, masks, vaccinations, lockdowns, and economies – the Bullet Points

[bullets from a work with 90+ references]


1)  Masks are not equal, and are more effective in healthcare settings, not so much in community settings.


2)  Vaccines do not stop transmission; they benefit the vaccinated with a decrease in the severity potential of later COVID.


3)  Vaccine science has been around for decades. Though there have been an increase noted in some side effects, the vaccines are generally safe; there is a trade-off for each person to consider, the potential side-effects of the vaccine, or the potential full effects of COVID.


4)  Natural immunity is real; it is chance introduction of a virus which will start antibody creation the way that vaccines mimic.


5)  Lockdowns did not stop the spread and have contributed to other negative consequences, including an increase of overdoses, suicides, poor health, and loss of resources.


6)  COVID-related illnesses and death are real, and have inflated counts; most who get COVID had minor symptoms which if any were felt, were indistinguishable from the common cold.


7)  COVID does not affect people equally: age and various comorbid factors affect how severe COVID may affect each individual.


8)  ‘Experts’ and media advance scientifically incorrect data/advice; scientists, like media, can act as governmental bureaucrats to push an agenda like any other vested interest.


9)  SARS-CoV-2 most likely will become endemic, if it isn’t already: it’s too contagious, ubiquitous, and adaptive.


10)  People have different resources available to them, and have different degrees of vulnerability.  Instead of people calculating what is best for their situation, politicians are deciding for everyone.


11)  There are short- and long-term consequences from COVID, outside of the disease itself. Short-term the lockdowns lead to an unequal increase in psychological distress, increase of the comorbid factor of weight, overdoses, and lost resources; long-term, the decrease in productivity and the increase of debt is expected to undo decades of improvements made in economies at home and abroad, with developing countries across the planet affected most with an expected increase of more than 100 million facing starvation.

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